Tags: Departments, Produce, Fruit, Vegetables, Organic, Colors of Summer, Driscoll's, Local, Fruit Club, Kids

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Meet Our

Local Farmers

Enjoy some of the freshest fruits & vegetables available!
These Fresh Products are Delivered Daily to Your Neighborhood Big Y to Ensure the Finest Quality and Greatest Taste!

Let us introduce you to the local farmers who deliver the freshest produce… every day!

Family of

Local Partners

Serving our shoppers fresh, quality food.

At Big Y, we pride ourselves in providing access to fresh, enriching food whether local or from across the globe. Every Big Y location receives a delivery of fresh produce daily from our Big Y Fresh & Local Distribution Center. Our close-knit partnerships with local farmers shine throughout our produce department – just check our signs to see where your local produce is grown!

Hey kids! Head over to our Produce Department to visit our Kids Fruit Club Display. You’ll find colorful fruits to choose from and each child, can select a piece to enjoy for free! It’s the perfect way to fuel your shopping trip with a nourishing snack.

Eating more fruits and vegetables is important for growing strong and staying healthy – so eat at least one more serving each day!

And parents, learn more about our health and wellness offerings at Big Y!


Our grapes are a burst of goodness. The biggest and sweetest grapes, grown in premium vineyards throughout California and other growing regions.

Collage of Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries

Driscoll's Berries

The berries are specially selected to meet our unrivaled standards for flavor, appearance and size. Find out more at driscolls.com

Farmers Hands Holding White Potatoes

Organic Produce

Organic produce is grown without relying on synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides or fumigants. We offer over 80 varieties of organic produce!

Try these delicious produce recipes from the Big Y Dig In Magazine!