Flyer Delivery

Flyer Delivery Inquiry Form

If you do not receive the print flyer via newspaper or in the mail, we will look into this for you further.

You can always view our Weekly Sales Flyer here.

We also have physical flyers available in-store for customers who do not have access to the internet at home.

If you need a physical flyer, you can access at the flyer stands at the entrance & exit of each Big Y location.

Our goal is to exceed our customers' expectations. We welcome your comments and questions.
Fill out the form below or call toll free at 1-800-828-2688, Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5pm.

* items are required

Enter the first 11 digits, including the required leading '4' that has been entered for you.

Don't have a membership? Click here to find out more.

Do you Subscribe to a Newspaper?

*It will take 2 to 3 weeks for delivery to start.
If your zip code is covered by one of our newspaper partners, they will deliver it to you, even if you do not subscribe to the newspaper.

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