Family Meals Have Always Been
One of the Best Healthy Habits
There are many potential learning moments for children when it comes to family meals. Allow them to help adults along the way during the planning and prep stage, not just the enjoying stage (though, that's an important one too!).
Whether it’s learning how to shop for nutritious foods, bringing foods together while focusing on flavor and food preparation techniques or presenting the final result at the family table— there are so many moments built into building family meals that will help children create healthy habits.
Building Balanced Meals with MyPlate
MyPlate, a visual tool to help build balanced meals with ease and confidence, was developed using the current Dietary Guidelines set forth by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Building Family Meals Together: Tips for Cooking with Children
Involving children in the kitchen from an early age can help prevent picky eating, build confidence and make little ones more self-sufficient. Click here to learn more and schedule one of our dietitian-led Virtual Nutrition Events.
Smart Shopping When Eating on a Budget
Yes! It’s possible to eat delicious, fresh meals every week while staying on a budget.
Meal Time Tips for Picky Eaters
Feeding kids can be a challenging feat, especially when you have a picky eater on your hands.