Preparation is Key
Most of the time, bad weather is just an annoying disturbance you have to put up with until it goes away. Other times it can have the potential for hazardous conditions. While severe weather can vary, it's important to be prepared. Follow these simple steps to be ready for anything Mother Nature might throw at you.
- One gallon bottled water per person per day, for at least three days
- Canned goods, especially soups and stews
- Sealed packages of chips, crackers or cookies
- Cereal and granola
- Jarred foods like jellies, pickles or meats
- Canned tuna and salmon
- Peanut butter and other shelf-stable nut butters
- Dried pasta
- Jarred sauce
- Salted butter, which lasts longer at room temperature than unsalted butter
- Dried fruit, nuts or jerky
- Energy bars
- Shelf-stable juice
- Coffee, tea and hot cocoa mix (and maybe some marshmallows)
- Extra paper products like toilet paper and paper towels
So now that you have the food prepared, what else would you need in the event of severe weather? You need to be safe, so be absolutely sure you have these around:
- A propane space heater rated for indoor use
- Portable power banks and solar chargers for backup power for devices
- Flashlights
- Batteries
- Battery operated radio
- Can opener
- First aid kit
- Thermal emergency blankets