Tags: be well, Baby Y, Healthy, Be Well with Big Y

Healthy Baby, Healthy You

Our Featured Articles

Mom with Baby

Balanced Nutrition for the Breastfeeding Mom

Breastfeeding has many benefits for both mom and baby. Human milk contains the perfect combination of nutrients needed for infant growth and development while being easy to digest. While baby is receiving balanced nutrition with breast milk, it's important that as a breastfeeding mother, you eat balanced meals as well.

Drinking Wine

Is it Safe to Drink Alcohol as a Nursing Mother?

While mothers are advised to avoid all alcohol during pregnancy because of severe risks to baby, they have more flexibility to safely drink in moderation while breastfeeding. If choosing to drink alcohol while nursing, see these important tips to remember.


5 Energizing & On-the-Go Breakfasts

Do you find it hard to spend enough time making sure the most important meal of the day is well balanced with nourishing foods. Here are five portable breakfast ideas you can grab in a flash to ensure you're powered up for the day ahead.

Staying ActiVe

Folate & Pregnancy

Folate is a B vitamin that can be found naturally in foods. In its synthetic form, folic acid is added to fortified foods, as well as supplements. This little vitamin serves a crucial role in your body, especially during pregnancy.

Staying ActiVe

Keeping Baby Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

Children under the age of five are more likely to experience serious health complications from the flu. Read here to learn what steps you can take to protect them during cold and flu season.

Staying ActiVe

Staying Active as a Family

Did you know, screen time for children should be limited to 1-2 hours per day? Click here for fun ways to keep your family away from electronics and enjoying all New England has to offer this fall.

Introuducing Cows Milk

Introducing Cow's Milk

Thinking of making the transition to cow's milk for your baby but not exactly sure how or when to do it? We'll share expert tips so you'll have the information needed for making the switch.

Pregnant Woman with Feet Up

How to Reduce Swelling During Pregnancy

If you're experiencing moderate swelling during pregnancy, you're not alone. It's estimated that 75% of women have this problem while expecting. This month, we talk about ways to prevent and manage this oh-so-common puffiness.