Tags: Baby Y, Health And Wellness, Baby, Mom, Season, Seasonal, Produce, be well with Big Y

What’s in Season This Summer?

Author: be well™ with Big Y® Registered Dietitian Team

When thinking about summer produce, you might automatically think about enjoying fresh slices of watermelon by the pool; cutting ripe tomatoes and crunchy cucumbers to enjoy on top of local salad greens; or biting into sweet corn on the cob at Fourth of July picnics. While these are truly summertime favorites, there is an abundance of other fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetable options available to explore.

When shopping, be on the lookout for signage that calls attention to locally-grown produce. Keep an eye out for some of these colorful produce options. Remember, they’re just a handful of what you’re bound to find! 


Although our local cherry season has passed, cherry season begins in California and peaks in July when the growing season moves to Washington State. Fun fact – since cherries are allowed to ripen on the tree before being harvested, packed and shipped, they’re typically available for purchase within days of being picked!


Stone Fruit

With an assortment to choose from, peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots and white-flesh peaches and nectarines peak locally throughout the month of August and, at times, the beginning of September. Besides snacking on your favorite stone fruit, don’t forget to try them halved and grilled for a delicious caramelized dessert.


Summer Squash

Yellow squash and zucchini grow locally from July right into the fall. They taste wonderful sliced or diced and sautéed or made into noodle form for light and fresh summer meals.



All shades of beets grow locally through September and until October. Enjoy bulbs roasted or peeled and sliced thin in salads or leafy green tops raw in salad or sautéed with garlic and red pepper.



Although local strawberry and blueberry season may have passed, raspberries will remain in season throughout the end of summer. While you can find an array of berries in store that remain in season in other parts of the country.