Yogurt Parfaits

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Serving: Serves 6
Prep Time: about 1-2 hours

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Note: Wash hands with soap and water.
1. Utensils: medium-sized bowl mixing spoon small paper cups plastic wrap wooden popsicle sticks (available at craft stores) measuring cups.
2. Drain the can of crushed pineapple so all the juice runs out.
3. Put all the ingredients in the bowl and mix together.
4. Spoon the mixture into the paper cups. Fill them almost to the top.
5. Stretch a small piece of plastic wrap across the top of each cup.
6. Using the popsicle stick, poke a hole in the plastic wrap. Stand the stick straight up in the center of the cup.
7. Put the cups in the freezer until the mixture is frozen solid.
8. Remove the plastic wrap and peel away the paper cup.
9. You'll have pineapple pops to eat and share!
In a fun glass or clear plastic cup, add 2-3 Tablespoons strawberry or vanilla flavored yogurt to the bottom. Have kids use a table knife and cut 2-3 strawberries in bite size pieces. Next sprinkle 2-3 Tablespoons crushed granola, dry cereal or chopped nuts, whichever is their favorite. Layer again yogurt, strawberries and nuts. Top with a spoonful of whipped topping. Serve immediately or store in the refrigerator until ready to eat.
Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit fightbac.org!