Sweet Cherry Almond Breakfast Risotto

Recipe Thumbnail
Serving: 6

Featured in the Living Well Eating Smart newsletter issue #81 (January 10th to March 20th, 2019).

Recipe and image developed for USA Rice from Anne Danahy, RDN at the Craving Something Healthy blog. Visit their website here.

Visit ThinkRice.com for more delicious rice recipes.

Recipe by:




1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Mix rice, almond milk, almond extract, salt and maple syrup in a slow cooker and set to high.

3. Cook for 1 hour, stirring occasionally, or until rice starts to plump and absorbs about half the milk.

4. Stir in cherries and almonds to combine. Reduce heat to low and cook for an additional 30 minutes or until rice is soft and chewy.

5. Serve hot or cold.

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit fightbac.org!


Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts Per Cookie:

Calories 210
Total Fat 6 g
Saturated Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 100 mg
Carbohydrates 39 g
Fiber 4 g
Protein 5 g