Steam/Microwaved Mussels Seafood Supper Club

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Serving: 4 appetizer-sized servings; 2 smaller meal servings

Get inspired and watch Chef Andrew from North Coast Seafoods prepare this delicious recipe.

Seafood Supper Club Recipe

Perfectly-steamed mussels.

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1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Check mussels and discard any broken shells. Squeeze opened shells shut. If shells do not stay closed, discard. Wash hands after handling mussels.

3. Add mussels to a large, microwavable bowl. Cover tightly with plastic wrap. Microwave for 4 minutes at full power.

4. Remove bowl from microwave and allow to sit, covered, at room temperature.

5. Add butter to small microwavable bowl and microwave for 20 seconds, just to melt.

6. Poke a small hole in the plastic wrap near the edge of the bowl. Drain a small amount of mussel broth into the butter bowl and stir to combine.

7. Remove plastic wrap from bowl and serve mussels with butter dipping sauce and toasted, crusty bread.

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit!