Sourdough English Muffin Breakfast Sandwiches

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Cooking Time: 90 Minutes Total

January/February 2021 Big Y Dig In Magazine

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1. Wash hands with soap and water. 

2. Rinse fresh produce.

3. In a stand-up mixing bowl, add yeast, warm water and sugar. Stir together and allow mixture to sit for 5 minutes or until top is slightly frothy. Add starter, butter, flour, nonfat dry milk and salt to bowl. Using a dough hook, mix on medium-low speed until dough forms and becomes smooth.

4. Lightly spray a medium bowl with non-stick spray, then place dough in bowl. Wrap with plastic wrap and set aside to rise for about 1 1/2 hours or until doubled in size.

5. Lightly dust counter or workspace with all-purpose flour. Gently deflate dough, then turn it out onto floured surface and allow to sit for 1 to 2 minutes. Divide dough in half. Working with one half at a time, use a rolling pin to roll out dough to ½-inch thickness, then stamp out muffins using a 3-inch round cutter. Re-roll and cut any remaining scraps. Repeat with the remaining half of dough; you should have 12 muffins total.

6. Place cut muffins on parchment- or silicone mat-lined sheet trays (6 muffins per tray) that have been dusted with semolina or cornmeal. Sprinkle muffins with additional semolina or cornmeal on tops. Lightly cover trays with plastic wrap and allow to rise until light and puffy, about 45 to 60 minutes. Wash hands after handling raw flour.

7. Preheat an ungreased, large nonstick skillet on medium-low heat. Once hot, carefully transfer the muffins right-side up (do not overcrowd or allow muffins to touch) and allow to cook for about 10 to 12 minutes on each side or until a digital thermometer inserted into the center of a muffin reaches 190 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove muffins and allow to cool on wire rack.

8. Turn heat up to medium. Cook breakfast saus'age according to stovetop directions on package.

9. Slice six English muffins in half horizontally and build breakfast sandwiches as desired, using eggs or tofu scramble alternative, cheddar cheese or vegan alternative, sliced avocado and fresh herbs. 

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit!


Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Information Per Serving
Calories: 484
Total Fat: 26 g
Protein: 23 g
Total Carbohydrates: 38 g
Cholesterol: 214 mg
Sodium: 746 mg
Recipe provided by Gardein. For more "Gardein" inspiration please visit: