Prep Time: 1-2 Hours
November/December 2019 Dig In Recipe
Recipe by:

1. Wash hands with soap and water.
2. Place chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl and melt following the instructions on the package; let cool slightly.
3. Separate regular-size cookies, discard half without cream center. Using the melted chocolate, attach the mini cookie to the top of the regular size cookie to form a hat; set aside.
4. Bake cake as directed on box, using a 9x13-inch cake pan; let cool completely. Once cake is cooled, crumble it into a large mixing bowl, making sure to crumble any large pieces; otherwise the cake balls may turn out lumpy.
5. Add half of the frosting and mix until thoroughly combined. The mixture should be moist enough to roll into 1-inch balls; place them on a wax paper-covered baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for several hours in the refrigerator, or place in the freezer for 15 minutes. You want the balls to be firm but not frozen.
6. Dip the tip of a lollipop stick in a little of the melted chocolate and insert about halfway into a cake ball. Holding the stick and using a spoon, gently spoon chocolate over the ball, rotating until it is fully covered, letting excess chocolate fall off. Attached cookie hat to top of cake pop. Carefully insert lollipop stick in a Styrofoam block and let harden.
7. Once hardened, decorate using black and orange icing.
Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit fightbac.org!