Sandwich Cookie Basketball Bites

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Serving: Serves 12

Featured in the Big Y Summer 1 Event
Have even more fun with OREO with this basketball-themed recipe!
Recipe provided by Oreo
For more inspiration, go to:

A sandwich cookie with cheesecake filling, dunked in semi-sweet milk chocolate and topped with orange sprinkles.

Recipe by:



1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Split cookies in half. Place top sides down in a single layer on a parchment-covered rimmed baking sheet.

3. Place a small scoop of cheesecake on each of 12 cookie halves, adding about 1 tablespoon cheesecake to each cookie half. Cover with remaining cookie halves to make 12 sandwiches.

4. Dip half of each cookie sandwich, 1 at a time, into melted chocolate; return to baking sheet. Immediately top with sprinkles.

5. Refrigerate 30 minutes or until firm.

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit!


Nutrition Facts

Calories: 150
Total Fat: 8 g
Saturated Fat: 4 g
Cholesterol: 10mg
Sodium: 115 mg
Carbohydrates: 20 g
Fiber: 1g
Protein (g) 2g
Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more