Easy Grilled Chicken Street Tacos

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Serving: Serves 4

Featured in our Big Game Event 2022

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Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more,  Visit fightbac.org
1: Wash hands with soap and water.
2: Rinse fresh produce under cold running water prior to prepping.
3: Heat gas or charcoal grill. In large bowl, mix oil and seasoning mix (from taco kit) until smooth. Add chicken; turn to coat. Wash hands after handling raw chicken.
4: Place chicken on grill over medium heat. Cover grill; cook 12 to 15 minutes, turning once, until chicken reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit as verified with an instant-read food thermometer. Let stand 5 minutes; thinly slice crosswise.
5: Meanwhile, heat tortillas (from taco kit) as directed on package. Divide cabbage among heated tortillas; top with chicken, creamy jalapeño sauce (from taco kit), queso fresco and cilantro. Serve with lime wedges.


Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Information Per Serving
Total Fat 23 g
Saturated Fat 7 g
Cholesterol 80 mg
Sodium 960 mg
Carbohydrates 35 g
Fiber 2 g
Sugars 0 g
Protein 34 g