Daisy Chicken Fajitas

Recipe Thumbnail
Serving: Serves 6, Serving Size 2 Tacos

Dairy Month 2022 Recipe SS

Recipe by:



1. Wash hands with soap and running water.

2. Rinse fresh produce.

3. Mix together cumin, chili powder, brown sugar, garlic powder, cornstarch and salt. Add sliced chicken and toss to coat. Wash hands after handling raw chicken.

4. Heat oil in large nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Add chicken and wash hands after handling raw chicken. Cook chicken until internal cooking temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit as verified by an instant-read food thermometer.

5. Add onion and peppers. Cook an additional 3 to 5 minutes, stirring frequently.

6. Warm tortillas as directed on package.

7. Fill tortillas with chicken mixture and top with a dollop of Daisy sour cream before serving.


Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit fightbac.org


Nutrition Facts

Calories 332

Total Fat (g) 12 g

Cholesterol (mg) 62 mg

Sodium (mg) 684 mg

Carbohydrates (g) 32 g

Fiber (g) 1 g

Protein (g) 20 g