Cranberry Mule Cocktail

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Recipe featured on Western Mass News Segment with Carrie Taylor, RDN, LDN and Andrea Luttrell, RDN, LDN. (Run date: 11/17/16 )

Recipe and image courtesy of the Cranberry Marketing Committee and Carlene Thomas, RDN at Healthfully Ever After. Visit their website for additional ways to entertain with fresh cranberries this holiday season.

Recipe by:



1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Rinse fresh produce.

To make Cranberry Syrup:

1. Add water, sugar and 1 cup whole fresh cranberries to a small saucepan and cook on low heat for about 20 minutes, until cranberries are soft and have started to pop.

2. Carefully strain with a fine mesh strainer, using a spoon to press cranberries against strainer sides to remove as much liquid as possible. Refrigerate syrup up to 2 weeks.

To make Cranberry-Infused Vodka:

1. Add 2 cups sliced cranberries and 2 1/2 cups vodka to a jar with a lid. Shake to combine.

2. Let sit in refrigerator 3-5 days before using, shaking mixture daily. Strain to use in cocktail.

To make Cocktail:

1. Add ice to a copper mug or glass of choice.

2. Pour 1 ounce cranberry syrup, lime juice, and 1 1/2 ounces cranberry vodka over ice.

3. Top with ginger beer and stir to combine.

4. Garnish with rosemary sprig, fresh cranberries and lime slice.

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit!