Classic Potato Salad

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Serving: 6
Prep Time: 35 Minutes
Cooking Time: 20 Minutes; Chill 1 Hour

May 2023 Dig In Recipe

Hearty potatoes, hard cooked eggs, chopped onions and celery are balanced with a creamy mayonnaise sauce.

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1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Rinse fresh produce.

3. In a large saucepan of salted water over medium-high heat, add potatoes. Cook until potatoes are fork-tender, about 20 minutes. Drain, peel and cut into cubes. Transfer to a large bowl.

4. Add vinegar and toss to coat well. Let stand until potatoes are just warm, about 20 minutes. Add celery, both onions, eggs and parsley and toss to combine.

5. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, mustard, celery seed, salt and pepper.

6. Add to potato mixture and mix to combine.

7. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour or until chilled.

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit!


Nutrition Facts

Calories: 306, Total Fat: 16g, Saturated Fat: 3g, Cholesterol: 70mg, Sodium: 167mg, Carbohydrates: 34g, Fiber: 4g, Sugars: 2g, Protein: 7g