Butternut and Mussel Soup

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Serving: 4

Add more seafood to your weekly menus with delicious recipes like this one from our friend, chef and sustainable seafood advocate, Barton Seaver. The be well™ with Big Y® team had the pleasure of learning how to cook this recipe with Barton at the  2023 UMass Culinary Conference.

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1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Rinse fresh produce.

3. Check that mussels are tightly closed. Discard any that do not close when gently tapped on the counter.

4. Pull off any brown thread-like seaweed (called the beard) that may be peaking out of shells. Scrub whole mussels under cold water to remove grit. Pat dry. Wash hands after handling raw mussels.

5. Bring 6 cups water to a simmer.

6. Add mussels and cook until open; remove from pot.

7. Add butternut squash peels and trim to water; simmer for 10 minutes.

8. Meanwhile, blanch and shock fresh tarragon by bringing ½ to 1 cup water to a boil; add tarragon for a few seconds, remove with tongs and immediately place into an ice-water bath to cool.

9. Remove tarragon, pat dry and reserve.

10. Remove mussels from shells and reserve as well.

11. Strain butternut squash peels and trim; reserve liquid for cooking broth.

12. Heat dry stock pot over high heat and add onions to slightly char.

13. Add two tablespoons olive oil to onions and reduce heat to low; season with salt and cook until caramelized and soft.

14. Add cooking broth, cubed butternut and miso.

15. Adjust seasoning of soup with salt and simmer until squash is barely soft or tender.

16. Meanwhile, in a sauté pan, heat two tablespoons olive oil over medium heat and add sliced garlic; cook 30 seconds, just until no longer raw.

17. Combine garlic and olive oil with remaining 1/2-cup olive oil and tarragon in a blender.

18. Season with salt and blend until smooth.

19. Pass mixture through a fine mesh strainer and reserve oil for soup garnish.

20. Add shelled mussels to soup.

21. Ladle soup into bowls and drizzle with tarragon oil. 

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit fightbac.org!