Avocados From Peru Chicken Salad Wrap

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Serving: 8, Serving Size 1 Wrap

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2023 SS Back To School Recipe

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1. Wash hands with soap and running water.

2. Rinse fresh produce.

3. In a large bowl, whisk mayonnaise, dressing, salt and pepper. Fold in avocado, chicken, cheese and onion. Makes about 4 cups.

4. Place equal amounts of lettuce, tomatoes and chicken mixture horizontally down center of each tortilla; fold sides of tortillas over filling, then roll from bottom up to enclose fillings.


Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit fightbac.org!




Nutrition Facts

Calories 485

Total Fat 27g

Cholesterol 52mg

Sodium 925mg

Carbohydrates 42g

Fiber 5g

Protein 20g