Apple Blintzes

Recipe Thumbnail
Serving: Serves 12
Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cooking Time: Cook 26 Minutes

Featured in the Yom Kippur Break Fast Event 2021

Delicate pancakes filled with spiced, sweet apples.

Recipe by:



1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Rinse fresh produce.

3. In a blender, combine milk, eggs, flour, salt and 2 tablespoons melted butter; blend until smooth. Transfer batter to a bowl and rest for 1 hour. Wash hands with soap and water after handling raw eggs.

4. In a large, heavy skillet over medium heat, add 3 tablespoons butter. Once hot and melted, add apples and sauté for 5 minutes, stirring well. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon; mix well to evenly coat the apples. Add salt and cook, stirring frequently, for 10 minutes or until apples are very tender; let cool. Transfer to a bowl, cover and refrigerate.

5. Heat a heavy, 6-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Brush lightly with some melted butter. Pour 2 1/2 tablespoons batter into skillet, tilting to spread evenly. Cook for 30 seconds or until crepe is lightly browned on bottom. Turn crepe out onto paper towel and cover with another paper towel. Repeat with remaining batter, brushing skillet with more melted butter as needed.

6. Place 1 crepe on work surface. Place 3 tablespoons filling just below center of cooked side of crepe. Fold bottom over filling, fold sides in and roll to enclose filling. Transfer to foil-lined plate. Repeat with remaining filling and crepes.

7. In a large, heavy skillet over medium-low heat, add oil. Once hot, place blintzes, seam side down, in skillet. Cook for 6 minutes or until bottoms are brown and crisp, shaking pan occasionally. Turn blintzes over and cook for 4 minutes or until bottoms are brown and crisp. Serve with whipped cream and maple syrup.

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit!


Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Information Per Serving
Calories: 150
Total Fat: 9 g
Saturated Fat: 4.00 g
Cholesterol: 61.00 mg
Sodium: 77.00 mg
Carbohydrates: 15.00 g
Fiber: 1.00 g
Sugar: 8.00 g
Protein: 3.00 g