Tags: National, Family, Meals, Month, Cooking, Recipes, Tips, Togetherness


It’s More Than Food, It’s Togetherness

Think back to your own family meals while growing up as a child: What kinds of conversations were had? How many family members came together? How did the group learn to divvy up time to share about their day?

These (and more!) logistics of family meals has been shown to have lasting benefits to how children connect and communicate to the people and world around them later in life.

Join the Movement

Join the Movement

September is National Family Meals Month™ but we want you to Stay Strong with Family Meals all year long. Raise your oven mitts and pledge to commit to one more family meal each week.  Click here to learn more about the benefits of family meals and how to get involved.

Strengthen Bonds

Family Hertiage

Make Impact
