How does your garden grow?
If you’re looking for ways to transform your garden from good to lush, you’re in the right place. We enlisted the expertise of Cavicchio Greenhouses from Sudbury, MA, a proud supplier of Big Y outdoor annuals and perennials, to give us the inside scoop on how to keep your garden beautiful all season long.
The Dirt On Dirt.
Compost adds valuable organic matter to the garden. Adding a few inches of manure and other natural soil amendments helps to improve the supply of nutrients, encouraging soil microorganisms.
Get A Headstart.
Most annual vegetables can be started indoors six weeks before the last projected frost, but check individual seed packets for specifics.
Color Your World.
Season-long color is best achieved by planting perennials with overlapping bloom times and adding long-blooming seasonal annuals.
Garden Tool Care.
Keep your garden tools free of dirt and moisture. Wipe down hand tools with a dry cloth after each use. Regularly oil moving parts.
Water Well.
Water when dry. Summer gardens should be watered either in the morning before the sun heats up or at night when the sun goes down.
What's Bugging You?
Not all insects are harmful to plants. Some are beneficial. Regularly scout for insects and damage. There are organic and nontoxic remedies on the market, depending on what pest problem you are experiencing.