Mango and Yogurt Waffle Cone Parfaits

Recipe Thumbnail
Serving: 1 cone (or 2 depending on age and size of child)

Featured in the Living Well Eating Smart newsletter issue #76 (March 22nd to May 16th, 2018).

Recipe image and nutrition analysis from the National Mango Board. Visit their website for more kid-friendly velvety-delicious mango recipes.

Chef's Tip: Another option is to create parfait bowls using all of the ingredients for the cones and breaking the waffle cone into pieces to sprinkle on top.

Recipe by:




1. Wash hands with soap and water.

2. Rinse fresh produce.

3. In a bowl, combine yogurt and honey.

4. Place a spoonful of mango into the base of the waffle cone, then top it with 1/2 of the yogurt mixture.

5. Top the yogurt with half of the remaining mango, half of the peanuts, half of the granola and half of the coconut chips.

6. Repeat the layers with the remaining ingredients and serve.

Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit!


Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts Per Parfait:
Calories 91
Total Fat < 1 g
Saturated Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 15 mg
Sodium 275 mg
Carbohydrates 19 g
Fiber 3 g
Sugar 5 g
Protein 3 g