Prep Time: 25 Minutes
Cooking Time: 5 Hours
Perfectly seasoned chicken in a rich, lemony broth.
February/March 2020 Dig In Recipe
Recipe by:

1. Wash hands with soap and water.
2. In a slow cooker, combine onion, broth, water, rice and chicken; season to taste with salt and pepper. Cover and cook on low for 4 1/2 hours.
3. In a medium bowl, whisk together butter and flour until smooth. Add a cup of hot soup into the flour/butter mixture and whisk until smooth; stir back into soup. Add lemon juice and zest.
4. In a small bowl whisk eggs until frothy. Add a tablespoon of the hot soup into the eggs and whisk, then repeat the process a few times. Add mixture to slow cooker and stir.
5. Turn slow cooker to high and cook for 15 minutes, uncovered, or until soup thickens. Serve garnished with parsley.
Big Y's recipes reflect the guidance of the Partnership for Food Safety Education. To learn more, visit fightbac.org!
Nutrition Facts
Nutrition Information Per Serving
Calories: 315 (Calories from Fat: 72)
Total Fat: 8g (Saturated Fat: 4g)
Protein: 30g
Total Carbohydrates: 31g (Dietary Fiber: 1g, Sugars: 2g)
Cholesterol: 137mg
Sodium: 1,034mg